Adith Menon
4 min readJul 14, 2021



A biomaterial is essentially a material that is used and adapted for a medical application. Biomaterials can have a benign function, such as being used for a heart valve, or may be bioactive; used for a more interactive purpose such as hydroxy‐apatite coated hip implants(the Furlong Hip, by Joint Replacement Instrumentation Ltd, Sheffield is one such example — such implants are lasting upwards of twenty years). Biomaterials are also used every day in dental applications, surgery, and drug delivery .While a definition for the term ‘biomaterial’ has been difficult to formulate, more widely accepted working definitions include: “A biomaterial is any material, natural or man‐made, that comprises whole or part of a living structure or biomedical device which performs, augments, or replaces a natural function”.


Biomaterials are used in:

•Joint replacements

•Bone plates

•Bone cement

•Artificial ligaments and tendons

•Dental implants for tooth fixation

•Blood vessel prostheses

•Heart valves

•Skin repair devices

•Cochlear replacements

•Contact lenses


As a prominent tool in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering (TE) has been an active field of scientific research for nearly three decades. Clinical application of TE technologies has been relatively restricted, however, owing in part to the limited number of biomaterials that are approved for human use. While many excellent biomaterials have been developed in recent years, their translation into clinical practice has been slow. As a consequence, many investigators still employ biodegradable polymers that were first approved for use in humans over 30 years ago.

By definition, Tissue engineering is a biomedical engineering discipline that uses a combination of cells, engineering, materials methods, and suitable biochemical and physiochemical factors to restore, maintain, improve, or replace different types of biological tissues. Tissue engineering often involves the use of cells placed on tissue scaffolds in the formation of new viable tissue for a medical purpose but is not limited to applications involving cells and tissue scaffolds. While it was once categorized as a sub-field of biomaterials, having grown in scope and importance it can be considered as a field on its own.


As early as the Neolithic period, sutures were being used to close wounds and aid in healing. Later on, societies such as ancient Egypt developed better materials for sewing up wounds such as linen sutures. Around 2500 BC in ancient India, skin grafts were developed by cutting skin from the buttock and suturing it to wound sites in the ear, nose, or lips.

While these ancient societies had developed techniques that were way ahead of their time, they still lacked a mechanistic understanding of how the body was reacting to these procedures. This mechanistic approach came along in tandem with the development of the empirical method of science pioneered by Rene Descartes. Sir Isaac Newton began to describe the body as a “physiochemical machine” and postured that disease was a breakdown in the machine.

In the 17th century, Robert Hooke discovered the cell and a letter from Benedict de Spinoza brought forward the idea of the homeostasis between the dynamic processes in the body. Hydra experiments performed by Abraham Trembley in the 18th century began to delve into the regenerative capabilities of cells.

During the 19th century, a better understanding of how different metals reacted with the body led to the development of better sutures and a shift towards screw and plate implants in bone fixation. Further, it was first hypothesized in the mid-1800s that cell-environment interactions and cell proliferation were vital for tissue regeneration.

As time progresses and technology advances, there is a constant need for change in the approach researchers take in their studies. Tissue engineering has continued to evolve over centuries.

In the beginning people used to look at and use samples directly from human or animal cadavers. Now, tissue engineers have the ability to remake many of the tissues in the body through the use of modern techniques such as microfabrication and three-dimensional bioprinting in conjunction with native tissue cells/stem cells.

These advances have allowed researchers to generate new tissues in a much more efficient manner. For example, these techniques allow for more personalization which allow for better biocompatibility, decreased immune response, cellular integration, and longevity.

There is no doubt that these techniques will continue to evolve, as we have continued to see microfabrication and bioprinting evolve over the past decade.



Adith Menon
Adith Menon

Written by Adith Menon


Student at Christ University, Bangalore

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